Website City and Borough of Yakutat
The City and Borough of Yakutat is seeking to hire two full-time police officers.
The Community:
The City & Borough of Yakutat is a community of 550 residents, located on the northern coast of the Gulf of Alaska, with a seasonal influx of visitors and summer workers. Seasonal residents living beyond the populated area (the boundaries of the former city of Yakutat), in the outskirts of the Borough, include summer commercial fishing, mining, and various recreational users.
The Borough encompasses about 9,460 square miles. Yakutat Borough is within and surrounded by the Tongass National Forest, Wrangell St-Elias and Glacier Bay National Parks and Preserves, and state lands. Like most of Southeast Alaska, Yakutat is relatively isolated with no road or rail access. The Alaska State Ferry provides seasonal access, and freight arrives via Alaska Airlines and Alaska Marine Lines barges. There is twice-daily jet service, served by Alaska Airlines. The economy is rooted in commercial and sport fishing, fish processing, government services and tourism.
Job Duties:
• Enforce applicable local, state and federal laws and ordinances;
• Respond to 911 and other calls for assistance or service;
• Conduct criminal investigations by gathering evidence, interviewing victims and witnesses, and interrogating suspects; testify in court regarding investigations and observations;
• Conduct patrols within the Borough, as assigned;
• Serve warrants and other court orders;
• Monitor and direct traffic conditions; investigate accidents, report unsafe streets or facilities;
• Document observations and actions, and maintain proper records;
• Conduct all activities, and handle all department-issued equipment, including firearms, other weapons, and vehicles, safely and in compliance with departmental policy and procedures;
• Participate in mandatory and elective training; and
• Work with other federal, state or local law enforcement units.
Required Skills, Knowledge and Abilities:
• Knowledge of local, state and applicable federal criminal and criminal procedure codes, including laws of arrest and search and seizure;
• Knowledge in the use, care and safe handling of firearms and other equipment used in the performance of job duties, and skill in self-defense;
• Possess good and sufficient investigative background and skills;
• Ability to cope with situations firmly, courteously, impartially, and with due respect for the rights of others; • Ability to analyze situations quickly, and make good independent judgments;
• Write and speak effectively, and understand and carry out oral and written instructions;
• Ability to work well with other officers and personnel within the department, and with members of the public;
• Ability to learn departmental rules and regulations, and thoroughly understand proper departmental operating procedures;
• Use computer systems necessary to the performance of the position; and
• The ideal candidate will want to reside in the City and Borough of Yakutat and maintain a life here; showing commitment to the community and its residents. Candidates should demonstrate a proven track record dealing with ethnically diverse cultures, and experience in community policing.
Minimum Qualifications:
1. Citizen of the United States or a resident alien in the United States who intends to become a citizen of the United States.
2. 21 years of age or older.
3. Meet All – Alaska Police Standards set by Alaska Administrative Code 13 AAC 85.010 – Basic Standards of Police or be a current Alaska certified officer or certified by a similar agency in another State, One (1) year of previous full-time employment as a certified law enforcement officer.
4. No conviction of a felony or misdemeanor crime of domestic violence by a Civilian Court, within or outside the United States or its territory or by a Military Court.
5. Be of Good Moral character.
6. High school graduate or has passed G.E.D. test indicating high school equivalency.
7. Ability to meet the physical standards for this position.
8. Demonstrated qualifications in firearms and other weapons used in the position.
9. Possession of a valid motor vehicle operator’s license, as required for the position.
10. Must pass a drug test prior to being formally hired.
Salary Information: DOE.
Hours: Varied.
Contact Information: Please submit Cover Letter, Resume, Alaska Police Standards Council (APSC) Personal History F-3 Statement Form
Forms can be found at the CBY website.
Please send to: Tina Ryman, Borough Clerk, clerk@yakutatak.us or mail to City and Borough of Yakutat; PO Box 160 309 Max Italio Drive Yakutat, Alaska 99689
CBY is an equal employment opportunity employer, and does not discriminate with regard to race, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or any other category protected by federal, state or local law. Nothing in the job posting guarantees employment with CBY.
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