AML Resolutions
These resolutions address changes to State and Federal policies in order to promote maximum self-governance and address the challenges of Alaska’s local governments. AML’s Legislative Committee works with staff and our lobbying team to advance these efforts, following the direction of the AML Board of Directors.
AML resolutions are member-driven and adopted by a majority of members participating in the Annual Business Meeting. Carryforward resolutions are reconsidered annually and adopted if still relevant.
- Resolution 2019-03 Support the Development of a Community Dividend
- Resolution 2019-09 Remove Community Assistance Audit Requirements
- Resolution 2019-08 Support the Implementation of a Broad-Based Tax
- Resolution 2019-06 Implement Mandatory Disclosure
- Resolution 2019-04 Fund the Senior & Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption
- Resolution 2020-01 Encourage the Legislature to Meet as Assembly of the Unorganized Borough
- Resolution 2020-17 Reasonable Interest Rates on Local Government Tax Refunds
- Resolution 2020-16 Oppose Reductions to Community Assistance and Support Recapitalization
- Resolution 2020-14 Oppose Preemptions of Local Tax Authority
- Resolution 2020-11 Reform PILT Funding Formula
- Resolution 2020-10 Ensure Long-Term Certainty of Secure Rural Schools Program
- Resolution 2020-09 Maximize Local Self-Governance
- Resolution 2020-08 Allow Local Governments to Accept Federal Funds Directly
- Resolution 2020-06 Support Economic, Resource, and Infrastructure Developments in Alaska
- Resolution 2020-04 Oppose Increases to Required Local Contribution and Decreases to State Funding
- Resolution 2021-01 Recognize Local Governments as Key Partners
- Resolution 2021-21 Make Optional Exemptions More Appropriately Decided Locally
- Resolution 2021-13 Support Standards and Regulations for Unorganized Boroughs
- Resolution 2021-11 Full Funding for the Municipal Harbor Facility Grant Program
- Resolution 2021-09 Increased Funding for Community Jails and VPOs
- Resolution 2021-08 Supporting a Balanced Approach to State Fiscal Challenges
- Resolution 2021-07 Increased Funding for Local Emergency Planning and Preparedness
- Resolution 2021-06 Supporting a Comprehensive Statewide Health Initiative
- Resolution 2021-03 Sustainable Draw on Permanent Fund Earnings Reserve
- Resolution 2023-01 Lessen Burden of Commercial Public Records Requests
- Resolution 2023-08 Establishment of Public Safety Matching Funds
- Resolution 2023-07 State Funding of Presumptions of Liability
- Resolution 2023-06 Expressing Concern About State Spending Cap
- Resolution 2023-05 Reduce PERS Unfunded Liability and Increase On Behalf Payments
- Resolution 2023-04 Sustainability of Community Assistance
- Resolution 2023-03 Urge Governor and Legislature to Provide Oversight of LBC
- Resolution 2023-02 Allow Reduction of Required Number of City Council Officials in Small Cities
- 2023-09 Transfer of State Lands to Local Governments
- Resolution 2023-10 State Funding of Non-Federal Match for Infrastructure Projects
- Resolution 2023-11 Eliminate Penalties for School Consolidation
- Resolution 2023-12 Increase and Inflation Proof the BSA
- Resolution 2023-15 Supporting Implementation of RTPOs
- Resolution 2023-13 Reduce Bulk Fuel Interest Rate and Increase Funding Cap
- Resolution 2024-01 Supporting Possible Legal Action for State Consitutional Education Obligations
- Resolution 2024-03 Support Public Workforce Recruitment and Retention Efforts
- Resolution 2024-04 Include Municipal and School District Fiscal Notes
- Resolution 2024-05 Support Prompt Payments Legislation
- Resolution 2024-06 Increase Federal Funding for Bathymetric Mapping
- Resolution 2024-07 Change HUD Regulations to Increase Alaska Participation
- Resolution 2024-08 Request Legislative Action and Investment in Housing and Econ Dev
- Resolution 2024-09 Request Legislature Assist Local Governments in Addressing Homelessness
- Resolution 2024-10 Request Infrastructure GO Bond on 2026 Ballot
- Resolution 2024-11 State Investment in Behavioral Health Needs
- Resolution 2025-01 Analyze Demand for Charter Schools and Retain Local School District Approval
- Resolution 2025-02 State Funding for Water and Wastewater Operator Subsidy
- Resolution 2025-03 Support Statewide Electronics Product Stewardship Program
- Resolution 2025-04 Amend Title 29 to Allow for Web-Based Public Notice
- Resolution 2025-05 Maintain Public Library and SLED Funding