Shared Services from AML
Public Surplus
Alaska Municipal League has partnered with Public Surplus, a National Leader in Government Auction Services, which provides an online auction platform to help agencies sell their surplus property. Through this exclusive partnership, AML members will receive a discounted fee for every item sold using this new AML Shared Service.
Public Surplus has grown to become the largest Government Auction service in the United States, through a state-of-the-art system that is seamless, productive, and efficient. The auction system works to ensure that your government agencies, departments, and school districts are getting the most value from surplus property, utilizing an online auction format that walks you through the process, from auction creation to closing of sales. Their experience and innovative online portal also is designed to help streamline the tax sale process, if your municipality has one in place.
Register using this link to receive the exclusive, negotiated lower rate for all AML Members.,ak/register/agency
If you have any questions about the program, please reach out to Alicia Hughes-Skandijs.

Please contact Jacob Holdaway to learn more:
Phone: 801-836-0868