Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall exercise supervision over all the affairs of the organization. Elected Board members shall be mayors or elected members of the governing body of their municipality.
Beth Weldon, City & Borough of Juneau
Vice President
Lisa Parker, City of Soldotna
Sam Chanar, City of Toksook Bay
Past Presidents
Mark Springer, City of Bethel
Stu Graham, City of Wasilla
Pat Branson, City of Kodiak
Jim Cooper, City of Palmer
District Representatives:
District 1 - Southeast Alaska
City of Coffman Cove
City of Craig
City of Edna Bay
City of Gustavus
City of Hoonah
City of Hydaburg
City of Kake
City of Kasaan
City of Ketchikan
City of Klawock
City of Kupreanof
Metlakatla Indian Association
City of Pelican
City of Port Alexander
City of Saxman
City of Thorne Bay
City of Tenakee Springs
City of Whale Pass
Frank Seludo, City of Saxman
District 2 - PWS/Kodiak
City of Akhiok
City of Cordova
City of Kodiak
City of Ouzinkie
City of Old Harbor
City of Port Lions
City of Valdez
City of Whittier
John Whiddon, City of Kodiak
District 3 - Kenai
City of Homer
City of Kachemak
City of Kenai
City of Seldovia
City of Seward
City of Soldotna
Paul Whitney, Soldotna
District 4 - Mat Su
City of Houston
City of Palmer
City of Wasilla
Richard Best, City of Palmer
District 5 - Interior
City of Allakaket
City of Anderson
City of Bettles
City of Delta Junction
City of Eagle
City of Fairbanks
City of Fort Yukon
City of Galena
City of Hughes
City of Huslia
City of McGrath
City of Nenana
City of North Pole
City of Ruby
City of Tanana
David Pruhs, City of Fairbanks
District 6 - North
City of Anaktuvuk Pass
City of Ambler
City of Atqasuk
City of Buckland
City of Deering
City of Kaktovik
City of Kiana
City of Kivalina
City of Kotzebue
City of Kobuk
City of Noorvik
City of Nuiqsut
City of Point Hope
City of Selawik
City of Shungnak
City of Utqiagvik
City of Wainwright
Dickie Moto, Northwest Arctic Borough
District 7 - West
City of Brevig Mission
City of Diomede
City of Elim
City of Gambell
City of Golovin
City of Koyuk
City of Nome
City of Nulato
City of Savoonga
City of Shaktoolik
City of Shishmaref
City of Teller
City of Unalakleet
City of Wales
City of White Mountain
Meghan Topkok, City of Nome
District 8 - Yukon
City of Alakanuk
City of Aniak
City of Anvik
City of Bethel
City of Chefornak
City of Chevak
City of Chuathbaluk
City of Eek
City of Emmonak
City of Grayling
City of Holy Cross
City of Hooper Bay
City of Kaltag
City of Kotlik
City of Koyukuk
City of Kwethluk
City of Lower Kalskag
City of Marshall
City of Mekoryuk
City of Mountain Village
City of Napakiak
City of Napaskiak
City of Nightmute
City of Nikolai
City of Nunam Iqua
City of Nunapitchuk
City of Pilot Station
City of Platinum
City of Quinhagak
City of Russian Mission
City of Saint Mary’s
City of Saint Michael
City of Scammon Bay
City of Shageluk
City of Stebbins
City of Toksook Bay
City of Upper Kalskag
Jerilyn Kelly, City of Quinhagak
District 9 - Aleutians/Bristol Bay
City of Adak
City of Akutan
City of Aleknagik
City of Atka
City of Chignik
City of Clark’s Point
City of Cold Bay
City of Dillingham
City of Egegik
City of Ekwok
City of False Pass
City of Goodnews Bay
City of King Cove
City of Larsen Bay
City of Manokotak
City of Newhalen
City of New Stuyahok
City of Nondalton
City of Pilot Point
City of Port Heiden
City of Sand Point
City of Saint Paul
City of Saint George
City of Togiak
City of Unalaska
Alvin Osterback, Aleutians East Borough
High Population (80,000)
Municipality of Anchorage
Mat Su Borough
Fairbanks North Star Borough
Felix Rivera, Municipality of Anchorage
Stephanie Nowers, Mat-Su Borough
Mindy O’Neall, Fairbanks North Star Borough
City & Borough of Sitka
City & Borough of Wrangell
Haines Borough
City & Borough of Juneau
Municipality of Skagway
City & Borough of Yakutat
Petersburg Borough
Steve Eisenbeisz, City & Borough of Sitka
Ketchikan Gateway Borough
Kodiak Island Borough
Kenai Peninsula Borough
Denali Borough
Northwest Arctic Borough
North Slope Borough
Aleutians East Borough
Lake and Peninsula Borough
Bristol Bay Borough
Fairbanks North Star Borough
Elmer Armstrong, Northwest Arctic Borough
John Hopson, Jr., North Slope Borough
Scott Arndt, Kodiak Island Borough
Terry Haines, City of Kodiak
Affiliate Representatives
Alaska Conference of Mayors (ACoM)
Josh Verhagen, City of Nenana
Alaska Fire Chiefs Association (AFCA)
Alex Boyd, Anchorage Fire Department
Alaska Government Finance Officers Association (AGFOA)
Melissa Haley, City & Borough of Sitka
Alaska Association of Municipal Clerks (AAMC)
Brenda Henry, Matanuska-Susitna Borough
Alaska Municipal Attorneys Association (AMAA)
Robert Palmer, City & Borough of Juneau