AML’s advocacy is based on our Articles of Incorporation, “To secure general and municipal legislation at the state and federal levels which will be beneficial to the municipalities and inhabitants thereof, and to oppose legislation injurious thereto.” With 165 members – cities and boroughs across the state – the majority depend on AML to advocate on their behalf, and to amplify their voices. AML is a statewide, non-partisan organization.
Advocacy means that we:
- Review and assess state and federal budgets and legislation
- Maintain communication with state and federal officials and lawmakers
- Identify potential positive or negative impacts – maintain community budget data to review how decisions might impact members
- Confirm with members municipal impact – the key indicators here are increased costs, decreased revenue, reduced or improved service, and local control
- Take a position on budgets or legislation based on impact
- Communicate position through individual meetings, letters, op eds, and committee meeting presentations
In addition to staff lobbying responsibilities, AML contracts with registered lobbyists to advance municipal priorities.
AML’s positions should not negatively impact members, nor advocate for one member over another. AML does not take a position on projects.
We acknowledge that taking a position in opposition to a bill or budget may feel personal, but the approach we take should accurately describe municipal impacts and the choices faced by our members. Policy positions may be contrary to the political beliefs of an individual within a local government, but they are based on well-vetted research and reflect the majority opinion of AML members.
These are some of the individual legislative & infrastructure priorities of AML members:
Aleutians East Borough – 2023 Resolutions: Community Assistance, BSA
Denali Borough – 2023 Legislative Priorities, Capital Requests. Other Resolutions: BSA, Major School Maintenance
City of Nenana – 2022 Infrastructure Needs
City of Seward – 2022 Legislative Priorities
City & Borough of Sitka – FY24 Legislative Priorities
City & Borough of Sitka – Unfunded Mandates
Unorganized Boroughs – Prince of Wales Website Resource
City of Wasilla FY24 Legislative Priorities
Below is more information on some of the priority areas identified by AML members.