Shared Services from AML
Unemployment Insurance
AML has partnered with S3 Management Group (S3) to offer a variety of HR solutions that drive retention while saving time and money. S3 is offering their Unemployment Insurance (UI) Trade Program to any qualifying city or borough that are AML members.
To enroll:
- A municipality trades in their UI tax rate by December 1.
- Municipalities pay the same rate to S3 as the program fee, so there’s no budget increase.
- In exchange, the S3 team will handle all UI claims and include stop loss insurance.
- Plus, your organization gains two additional solutions. Choose from: tools to help with strategic hiring, employee mental health wellness, and workplace misconduct reporting, at no additional charge, see below for more info.
Join other municipalities, tribes, and nonprofits who are getting more services when they switch to S3 to handle their unemployment insurance. The deadline is December 1 to switch your unemployment tax to be managed by S3.
A comprehensive program that protects organizations & their employees from unnecessary risk. Click on the following for more details:

Please contact Jeff Yates to learn more:
Phone: 972.984.5275
Phone: 972.984.5275