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75th Annual Local Government Conference

December 10 - December 12

The AML Local Government Conference is held annually in Anchorage, Alaska. This year, it will be held on December 10-12 with affiliate conferences beginning on December 8, at the Dena’ina Center. The Annual Conference brings nearly 500 municipal officials together from across the state to learn, network and address challenges together. A combination of plenary and breakout sessions, along with exhibitor area, ensure a good flow of information occurs. This event includes our Annual Business Meeting, where we hold and finalize elections for our board of directors, and consider and approve our legislative position statement and resolutions. At the same time, our Affiliate members also hold their annual meetings on the sidelines of the Conference, with a total of nearly 1,000 participants over six days.

Learn More about the Annual Local Government Conference on the event website.


December 10
December 12
Event Category:


Dena’ina Center
Anchorage, AK United States + Google Map