We host several conferences, workshops and other events throughout the year to bring best practices to members, provide professional development, and support local governments.
The Annual Local Government Conference
The AML Local Government Conference is held annually in Anchorage, Alaska. The Annual Conference brings nearly 500 municipal officials together from across the state to learn, network and address challenges together. A combination of plenary and breakout sessions, along with exhibitor area, ensure a good flow of information occurs. This event includes our Annual Business Meeting, where we hold and finalize elections for our board of directors, and consider and approve our legislative position statement and resolutions. At the same time, our Affiliate members also hold their annual meetings on the sidelines of the Conference, with a total of nearly 1,000 participants over six days.
Winter Legislative Conference
Alaska Municipal League arranges for a Winter Legislative Conference during the legislative session. This meeting occurs in Juneau and includes the opportunity to speak with key legislators and state officials about municipal issues. Attendees get up to date information about bills and the budget that affect them, and as a group we are able to respond to emerging issues. The outcomes from the Winter Conference shape our continued legislative advocacy. Our Board of Directors, and the Alaska Conference of Mayors meets at the same time.
Combined Summer Legislative Meeting
The AML Board of Directors, Alaska Conference of Mayors, Alaska Municipal Management Association and Legislative Committee work together to schedule their Combined Summer Legislative Meeting. All three groups usually meet in August of each year to work on AML policies and platform and to conduct business for each group. These meetings rotate around the State, and focus on the development of our Position Statement and potential resolutions for adopting in December. The combined approach informs our legislative advocacy, and provides a clear structure for advancing municipal priorities.