Summer Legislative Conference
The Summer Legislative Conference is traditionally focused on:
- An update on legislative action that may have impacted local governments,
- Review of outstanding issues found in bills or the budget, and
- Preparation of AML’s priorities, resolutions, policy and position statement. We hear from our lobbying team, State officials and legislators, and discuss priorities facing local governments.
Details, registration, lodging, and travel information for the Summer Legislative Conference are below.
Last date to book with group rate is July 11th
Top of the World Hotel
3060 Eben Hopson St, Utqiagvik, AK 99723
Phone number: 1-800-478-8520, direct line (907) 852-3900
Group Number: 2508ALASKA
Last date to book with group rate is July 11
Who Should Attend?
AML Summer Conference: Mayors, Managers, Administrators, Councilmembers, Assembly members
Alaska Conference of Mayors: Mayors, Vice-Mayors, Deputy Mayors, Councilmembers, Assembly members
Alaska Municipal Management Association: Managers, Administrators, Chiefs of Staff, and similar positions
Contact: Sarah King at sarahk@akml.org or 907-790-5378.
Is your municipality interested in hosting a future conference?
Complete this form and let us know!